Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara National Park is one of the oldest and smallest parks on the northern circuit in Tanzania. However, even though it might be smaller as compared to other national parks it circuit but its mesmerizing landscape with its diverse vegetation, the sodiforous lake and the thriving wildlife, Lake Manyara is a sight to behold

Situated 125 Km off the west of Arusha Town, it is nestled beneath the Manyara escarpment on the edge of Great Rift Valley making it one the most picturesque parks of Tanzania. The Sodiforous Lake, which is undoubtedly one of the main highlights of the park, constituted a majority of the park as it covered 70 % of the park, i.e., the lake covered 231 sq km area of the 329 sq km park.

Lake Manyara supports 11 ecosystems of diverse vegetation ranging from savannah to marsh to evergreen forest. It also has one of the highest biomass densities of large mammals in the world.

Lake Manyara with its diverse vegetation supports a varied flora fauna. You can effortlessly spot elephants, buffalos, hippos, zebras, giraffes, monkey and baboons in large numbers in and around the park. However, Manyara is world renowned for its tree-climbing lions, pink flamingos and the large elephant populace that wander in the park. It also has one the largest population of baboons in the world.

With over 400 aviary fauna with a rich concentration of water birds, Manyara is heaven for avid bird enthusiast. It is well known for its pink flamingos, pink-backed pelicans, herons, storks, sacred and glossy ibis, and black egret.

However, this stunning park often fails to make it to the list of parks to be visited on northern circuit and is only used as stopover which heading from Serengeti to Ngorongoro Crater. So if you don’t want to miss the chance to encounter the tree-climbing lions, the baboons and flamingos then don’t miss the opportunity to visit this spectacular park on your northern circuit.